Monday, October 16, 2017

Defining the word "Greedy" in the movie The Grinch

Defining a word  
Greedy is not about wanting something, it’s about wanting more. People that are greedy always want to have everything for themselves. They never know when is enough, they want to have everything that other can’t have. For example, in the movie “The Grinch Stole Christmas”, the Grinch wanted to take and keep every present for himself. He didn’t want to anyone to have anything. He was very selfish person, and he didn’t have any feeling for others. For people to be acting in this way, where they want everything for themselves, it’s sad to not have feeling for other people. Being greedy is a sad way to live a life, it doesn’t have a sense of living. 

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Terrible Fall  - This was the time I fall off a motorcycle, and realize how reckless I would ride. It made me understand to be more safe...